
Top Creative Ways to Ring in the New Year

Wed, Nov 28, 2018 at 9:47AM

Top Creative Ways to Ring in the New Year

A new year means a wealth of new opportunities. Many people make resolutions and personal goals they want to accomplish. Others simply enjoy spending quality time with friends and loved ones. Whatever your personal tradition, it’s important to enjoy the moment and create a lasting memory you’ll be glad to look back on.

It all starts with finding creative ways to ring in the new year. Where will you be when the ball drops to mark 2019? The possibilities are virtually endless. Use these popular ideas to get your holiday celebrations started:

Find Family-Friendly Fun

It’s natural for New Year’s Eve festivities to change as you approach different life chapters. Still, kids and youth love to be part of the action. Make it an exciting night for the whole family by planning inclusive activities. For example, you could throw a party and invite your mom/dad friends (plus the little ones, of course). Make it a potluck to save on time and money. This idea also ensures everyone has something they’ll like.

While you’re waiting for the clock to strike midnight, why not play some fun card or board games? You could also show a blockbuster movie. Or, stage a dance party. The exercise will help keep kids stay alert and awake to see the ball drop. For smaller children, you could shift the party to Noon instead of midnight.

Later, everyone can go around the room and tell what they most want to accomplish in the new year. Revealing resolutions in this way makes sticking to them easier. Plus, this activity demonstrates to kids the importance of setting and working toward a goal.

Host Themed Parties

Most everyone loves to be together and having fun on New Year’s Eve. The best way to accomplish this mutual ambition is to host a festive get-together in your new custom home. You could gather the gang for karaoke, play poker and casino games, stage a murder mystery, or dress up 1920s-style and have a blast with friends and loved ones.

As for decorations, it’s easy to create fun and affordable accents. Avoid breaking the bank by re-using décor from last year. You could also visit the dollar store for festive flair on the cheap. Or, make inexpensive and unique DIY party favors.

If the idea of hosting a party seems overwhelming (or you’re just not up to it this year), why not drop by a party at someone else’s home? This idea will save you time, energy, and money. Bring a tasty dish and a few adult beverages to share with everyone.

Pop the Question

You probably know that many people get married on New Year’s Eve. But were you aware that it’s also a popular moment in which to propose? There are many ways you can make this special moment even more precious.

For instance, you could recall meaningful moments by writing highlights on an ornament made with plain paper. Top your holiday tree with a star proposing marriage. Your significant other will be endeared by your thoughtfulness. A similar stunt is to invite carolers over to your home. Have them spell out a proposal on their music sheets. Some people prefer an intimate gathering at home where they can privately relish the romantic atmosphere.

Get a Fresh Start

As you reflect on the past year and make plans and goals for 2019, consider your current living situation. Are you perfectly happy where you are? Have you always dreamed of living in a different community? Now’s a great time to make those ideas a reality with a new custom home.

Tailored to your exact desires and requirements, custom homes feature everything you’ve always wanted in a residence. Best of all, you’re in control every step of the way. From floorplan, to storage, hardware, interior design, outdoor landscaping, and more, you’ll end up with a quality home of which you can be proud.

The process starts by partnering with a reliable builder. For nearly three decades, we’ve carefully crafted exquisite homes for people just like you. Now, it’s your turn to experience the outstanding quality of life you deserve. Contact us today to get started on your own custom home.

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